Organized By Action Together Rochester - Stronger Together WNY
with Planned Parenthood Of Central And Western New York Action Fund, Gay Alliance, Metro Justice, NOW
As witnessed by the recent election, there has been a profound deepening of the divisions in our country. Etched in history, these divisions cleave us from one another across the lines of racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual identity. Through this rally, we seek to address these divisions and stand together in the face of injustice. The work of this march is not only to stand together in solidarity for the protection of our rights, our safety, our families and our environment -- but it is also to build relationships and mend the divides between our communities.
The goal of the rally is to publicly voice opposition to the hate and division that have surfaced across the nation since the presidential election; stand in solidarity with marginalized groups; and support those participating in the Million Women March in Washington, D.C. and in similar rallies across the nation. We're part of a greater, national message that, combined with all the other rallies happening on and around Inauguration Day, shows people both inside the US and across the world, that the United States of America is a place where diversity is not just valued, but is recognized as an integral part of what makes our country great.
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